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January 2022 Update: 1Q 22 Investment Environment Outlook, COVID-19 and Charity Donation Data

Happy New Year! We hope you are starting the new year off right. We wanted to pass along some things that may be of interest:


* Candor’s First Quarter 2022 Investment Environment Commentary PDF

- Article Overview: COVID cases are on the rise, the economy is nonetheless improving, the stock market is elevated, and intermediate term investment return prospects appear modest.


* What to do if you test positive for COVID-19 from New York Times Article Link

- Article overview: With COVID 19 cases on the rise this article may be timely.



* Different Types of Charitable Giving PDF

- Article overview: This time of year, most individuals focus more on giving back. The article outlines various financial ways of doing so.


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William E. Hawes, CFA, CFP®

President & Chief Investment Officer

Candor Asset Advisors, LLC

512 522-8501



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